Supporting Women’s Ministry Leaders in the Local Church


Women whose circle of influence is leading the women’s ministry in their church need training and support to confidently develop and sustain both their ministry and the spiritual lives of those they lead.

We’ve been there, and are doing that ourselves!

The Empower branch of SHE International is specifically designed to share what we’ve learned by sharing our stories, our tools, our ideas, and our resources with you!

Ways we do this:

  • We will provide you with TOOLS in order to better equip you to lead with excellence.

  • We will provide TRAINING through cohorts and leadership resources.

  • We will provide RESOURCES to take to your local women's groups.


Women's Ministry Resources

SHE International offers leaders of Women’s Ministries resources such as group bible study curriculum including leader guides. Our studies are designed to strengthen one's faith and encourage a healthy community for each woman.

Women's Ministry How To's and Tools

We are committed to partnering with you and supplying you with tools that help your women's ministry thrive. From marketing to event planning, financial resources and where to find great images, you’ll find everything you need to learn how to lead, create, promote your women’s ministry group.
