The newspaper was an important thing in our home. It was not just something that brought us local events, information, adds, announcements, and all that’s included between the pages; but it provided an income and a way of life for our family.
Read MoreMurat stood up from his rocky seat and continued to wave his phone in the air. Usually, the scripture messages came through around this time and he found himself looking forward to them. It was like the more he learned the more he wanted to know – almost as if something was speaking directly to his heart…
Read MoreThe words surprised me. Why would she ask ME? Instantly a list of names, amazing, godly, experienced, dynamic, solid, foundational, older women came to mind. Why wouldn’t she ask them?
Read MoreIt dawned on me this week that social media actually hindering my connections rather than enabling them, especially with the people that I haven’t seen all year long.
Read MoreIt’s a part of human nature is to look for connections to stories by identifying to the characters. Whatever the media is – books, movies, fact, fiction, or fantasy, there will be one character that always sticks out to us and that we identify with.
Read MoreWhy is my first instinct to believe I’m being punished instead of rewarded, entrusted with something greater? Why am I so desperate to hang on to what is counterfeit?
Read MoreImagine that you only have 80% of the context of a conversation or a story. How do you answer your neighbour’s questions about Jesus when you’ve only understood 80% of the dream that they just told you about? Or how do you counsel someone suffering after a traumatic experience when you’ve only understood 80% of their story? How do you share 80% of your testimony? Or 80% of the Gospel?
Read MoreJesus tells us to go into the world and share about him. Jesus invites the world to come to him. As Christians, how often do we expend our energy planning for the world who knows him to come to the church building so we can tell them more about him? Conveniently, we don’t even have
Read MoreIt was Christmas morning of the year 2011. My husband, Danny, handed me a beautifully wrapped box. (Okay, actually, that’s a total lie. Danny can’t wrap presents. He wraps packages like a disgruntled postal worker who’s lost a couple of fingers. Just being honest.)
Read MoreWhile gathering with a group of young leaders, the resounding theme we heard each of them express regardless of their different jobs, current ministry and church involvement was a feeling of deep disconnect.
Read MoreWhat does it look like to lead yourself well? Culture has a lot of opinions on this, as well as the church and I’m often left confused and waffling between the two extremes. Self-care is a term I love and hate depending on how and by whom, it’s defined.
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