Will You Be My Mentor?
The words surprised me. Why would she ask ME? Instantly a list of names, amazing, godly, experienced, dynamic, solid, foundational, older women came to mind. Why wouldn’t she ask them? Perhaps I should suggest one of them to her. Immediately one of my mentors from years ago came to mind. She was so maternal, loving, direct, she was foundational for me those many years ago.
I took the weekend to pray about it.
Memories wove their way through my weekend. Hugs and gentle words when I was so very broken. Love. Belly laughs and unrefined snorts when I was desperate to let loose. Acceptance. Direct confrontation when I needed to hear the truth. Boldness. Correction and Challenge when I was losing my way. Purpose. Eyes that saw me as He intended me to be, not necessarily as I was at the moment. Hope. Manicured fingers pointing out His promises, her worn leather Bible open before us. Encourager. The memories were laced in her perfume.
She makes me think of Holy Spirit: Counsellor, Advocate, Comforter, Helper, Guide. She came alongside me, pointing me to Jesus.
John 15:26 NLT “But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.
Could I be any of that for this woman? How could I not be when I know the difference it makes?
“What if we make a point of checking in each week? I’ll ask just three simple things: What are you reading in the Bible? What is He saying to you? And How can I pray for you? Let’s see what He might do from there?”
I couldn’t have known the gift this weekly check in would be for me.
Who are you mentoring?