The Deep Need for Connection During COVID
Recently my husband and I connected with a group of young leaders from across Canada. This group is made up of motivated young believers we’ve met either at Bible College, camps, Street Invaders, or other short term missions. Greg and I have invited them to journey and grow alongside us.
To begin our time together we spent a few minutes sharing how we’re doing. The resounding theme we heard each of them express regardless of their different jobs, current ministry and church involvement was a feeling of deep disconnect.
Unfortunately, this hasn’t been the only time I’ve heard this same conversation in recent weeks. While out braving our bitter Saskatchewan temps just to get a visit in with friends, this topic came up again. As we walked and talked, they shared their own struggles with loneliness. Later in my hair studio, a client shared her concern for her teenager, “I just need to hear their laughter again, and see their smile.” I felt for our youth as I listened to the plea of this loving mom.
Lastly, one of the hardest for me to hear was from my own parents and their desire for connection with family and friends. Our elderly and especially those in care are desperate for connection; spiritually, emotionally and physically. These feelings are nagging at us all in some variance, and at times they become so strong they are almost suffocating regardless of who you are.
So often my default mode is keeping busy! Busy enough I’m unaware of my feelings of loneliness, anxiety or fear. Maybe you can relate to this. I think as a culture we’ve gotten into the habit of running fast enough, and busying ourselves with enough we keep ahead of the troubling feelings and therefore don’t deal with them. In this season when many of our distractions have been removed we’re left to face these trials head-on and have bought into the lie that we’re alone in doing so.
I read a good quote this week from an unknown source, “With God, we are sitting alone, together.” Isn’t that just so true? There are a couple of different ways one could interpret this quote. I see a picture of someone sitting alone overcome by despair, when the Holy Spirit comes upon them opening their eyes to the fact God’s been beside them all along. Or have you ever felt completely alone while sitting in the midst of a giant group of people? I have, and then to my surprise, God whispered something just to me.
God is with us alone or gathered.
There isn’t a simple formula or equation to solve the deep need for connection with others right now, and I hate to say it but I don’t know how long our current circumstances will continue. All we can do is stand on the promises of God and choose to walk in faith that God our Father walks beside us through it all.
His promises say: “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through fires of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your saviour.” Isaiah 43:2
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. Psalm 23:4
So let’s choose to stand on the promises of God today and as we persevere through this season. And Holy Spirit we ask you to open our eyes to see we are never alone. We are alone, together.