SHE International

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Online Bible Study: Poetry of Justice


For Christians, part of our call as citizens of God’s kingdom is working toward the common good and flourishing of all people, fellow image-bearers of our maker. But what does it look like to build justice in ways that reflect our Lord’s love and compassion?

This bible study is a thorough walkthrough of Isaiah 58, which shows us how the Israelites at the time were treating the practices of God - performing the actions with the wrong motivation. God is more interested in our hearts than our actions.

Download the Study Journal

We have created a free study journal for you to record your thoughts and prayers as God speaks to you these next 14 days.

How it Works…

  1. If you haven’t already, add SHE International as a friend on your YouVersion bible app. If you’re already connected with us you’ll receive an invite to join the plan.

  2. If you don’t receive this invite, you can join the study plan on your YouVersion bible app and start on December 1st. You can find the plan here.

  3. Download the free study journal below.

  4. Talk it Over! Engage in the app with our members of the plan by sharing what God is speaking to you that day.

  5. Watch our Instagram and Facebook feeds daily for inspiring messages and some surprise freebies!

  6. Save the date to join us for our wrap-up LIVE Zoom call hosted by Thandi Watkin on December 14, 2020 at 4pm PST where we’ll discuss what we’ve learned and how God has spoken to us. Follow this link to connect to the call.

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