Murat stood up from his rocky seat and continued to wave his phone in the air. Usually, the scripture messages came through around this time and he found himself looking forward to them. It was like the more he learned the more he wanted to know – almost as if something was speaking directly to his heart…
Read MoreThe words surprised me. Why would she ask ME? Instantly a list of names, amazing, godly, experienced, dynamic, solid, foundational, older women came to mind. Why wouldn’t she ask them?
Read MoreImagine that you only have 80% of the context of a conversation or a story. How do you answer your neighbour’s questions about Jesus when you’ve only understood 80% of the dream that they just told you about? Or how do you counsel someone suffering after a traumatic experience when you’ve only understood 80% of their story? How do you share 80% of your testimony? Or 80% of the Gospel?
Read MoreWhat does it look like to lead yourself well? Culture has a lot of opinions on this, as well as the church and I’m often left confused and waffling between the two extremes. Self-care is a term I love and hate depending on how and by whom, it’s defined.
Read MoreHow often, as leaders, do we see a problem, address the problem, rally a team around the problem, present the problem and delegate the next steps AND if they don’t do it right, swoop in and “get ‘er done”…
Read More30 plus years later, at the drop of a hat I can still sing so many of the songs I learned as a little girl growing up in the 80’s in Sunday School. Can you see the group of little people gathered in tiny wooden chairs
Read MoreStrings of lights, boxes of ornaments from years gone by and the sound of Christmas music are all part of how we begin to prepare our home for the holidays. This year as I dug all of those special boxes out of the storage room to prepare our space I felt the sting of loss.
Read MoreEach one of us comes wriggling and squealing into this world in a place and at a time. Along with basically everything else, the two things we cannot control are that place, and that time. We are born into a land and a situation and a family that we have absolutely no say in. And yet, in a lot of ways, that place and time make all the difference.
Read MoreWhere I live, the trees are already bare. The colours and the beauty has fallen, as quickly as it arrived.
Read MoreIf We’re Built for Relationship, Why is it Hard to Find Friends?
Read MoreRise Up! It’s Your Coronation Day.
I sat on the blue printed picnic blanket in the tree lined park, leaves rimmed golden with Autumn’s breath dancing along with the children giggling and running around me.
Read MoreAs a child, I was labelled “bossy” and “strong-willed”, two words that I dislike to this day and that sometimes still have the power to conjure up some very negative emotions. I’ve since learned that those labels were, in fact, leadership qualities…
Read MoreWe walked through the woods together talking through the details of this difficult day. The moon shone through the trees and it was strangely quiet considering the island was bursting with over 100 little campers…
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